
>> See list of all Dino Day events
HADDONFIELD -- Undaunted by rain, Haddonfield's Dino Day kicked off its parade as planned with Mayor Tish Colombi leading the sodden march down Kings Highway.
A troop of young dinosaurs followed the mayor, along with members of the local Little League in uniform. The annual Little League parade was scheduled this year to be a joint activity with Dino Day.
Assisted by his father, Mark Horwitz, Gregory Horwitz suits up as the Dino Day parade's Barney the purple dinosaur. The 13 year old is a student at the Haddonfield Middle School.
One of the stops on Dino Day's "Bone Bus" shuttle route was the West End Avenue studio of John Giannotti where the sculpture of Hadrosaurus foulkii is being created. Here, Giannotti explains the latest stage of the project.
Sheltered from rain in a covered section of Kings Court, was a Dinosaur Dig for children. Provided with plastic shovels, they "excavated" bones on their own.
Some of the speakers from the day-long series of adult lectures and slide shows on dinosaur-related topics were (left to right) Michael O'Neill, senior paleontologist of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management in Washington, D.C.; Patti Kane-Vanni, attorney and paleontologist; and Dr. William Gallagher, registrar of natural history at the New Jersey State Museum and author of the book, When Dinosaurs Roamed New Jersey.
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