[Below is the full schedule of Dino Day events that occurred on April 5, 2003]
Also see News Coverage of the Event:
Townwide Dino Day Events Celebrate Fossil Discovery; Raise Funds for Sculpture
Four Pages of Images From The Day-Long Event

Location: Haddonfield sites detailed below
Event: Three days of dinosaur-related entertainment and educational happenings throughout Haddonfield designed for both adults and children. The goal is to celebrate general dinosaur facts and lore as well as Haddonfield's unique place in the history of dinosaur discovery, and to raise money for the HATCH dinosaur sculpture project. Events are scheduled for all ages. Buttons are required for entry to all except the series of Dinosaur Pros talks and slide show at the Baptist Church and to the art exhibit at Markeim.
Full-Sized Event Map
Click here or on image above to access a full-sized .pdf file of the map of Dino Day events.
Time: 6:30 - 8 p.m. | Place: Markeim Art Center, Lincoln Ave. and Walnut Street
Dinosaur Art by the Children of Haddonfield
Collected by Rosie Hymerling of the Haddonfield School faculty, assisted by Kristin Kimmel and Hillary Johnston (members of the Haddonfield School faculty), along with the local PTA' s "Art Goes to School Committee", this showing features dinosaur art in many media and highlights the visions of our youngest enthusiasts. Show will continue on Saturday. And, also on Saturday, children will have the opportunity to make and keep their own dinosaur masks.
SATURDAY - April 5, Dino Day
General Admission: Buttons are on sale at the Visitors Center for $8.00. Advance purchases can be made at the Haddonfield Visitors Center in the Haddonfield Mini Mall at 114 Kings Highway (856-216-7253). The $8.00 buttons are good for entry into all the day's events. Advance purchases highly recommended -- limited number of 2,000.
Parking: Parking is plentiful in the PATCO Parking area (there is no charge after 10:00 a.m.). Look for signage along the Highway - sandwich boards with balloons attached.
Time: 9:00 - noon | Place: Masonic hall, 16 East Kings Highway
Pancake Breakfast
Start Dino Day with a pancake and sausage breakfast at the Masonic Hall for just $4.00 per person for all you can eat. The morning's cooks are volunteers from the Order of DeMolay, Moorestown Excelsior Chapter (boys/men ages 12 to 21).
Time: 10:00 | Place: Presbyterian Church, Kings Highway
Little League and Dinosaurs Parade
Backed by the rousing music of the Haddonfield Pick-Up Band, the Little League and the local dinosaurs will begin the Dino Day parade from the Presbyterian Church on Kings Highway and proceed to Potter Street. There, the Little League will head for the fields to formally kick-off their season, while the dinosaurs will march back to the center of town to continue their prehistoric activities.
Time: 10 a.m., 11:00, 12:30 & 2 p.m. | Place: Lantern Lane Parking Lot
Bone Bus Tours
The guided tour Bone Bus route stops are as follows:
- Parking lot behind Lantern Lane -- Bus boarding area.
- West End Ave. -- Giannotti Studios, where the Hadrosaurus foulkii sculpture is being created.
- Maple Ave. -- 1858 excavation site of the Hadrosaurus fossil. Butch Brees, who maintains the Hadrosaurus park site, and David Orleans, retired from the National Park Service, will be on hand to discuss the find that was a major milesone in the history of dinosaur discovery and is now a National Historic Landmark.
- Kings Highway -- Haddonfield Memorial High School, dropping off for the scheduled times of the "Rollicking' Dinosaur Revue."
- Lincoln & Walnut St. -- Markeim Art Center drop offs for the Children's Dinosaur Art exhibit.
- Lantern Lane parking lot -- bus route ends where it began.
Time: 11 - 12:30 and 2 -4 p.m. | Place: Haddonfield Books Used and Rare", 210 Kings Highway
Don Lessem, Dinosaur Author
Popular dinosaur book author Don Lessem will be touring Haddonfield schools on April 4 as a prelude to his April 5 Dino Day appearance at the Haddonfield Books Used and Rare book shop to discuss his most fascinating findings about the prehistoric beasts he has written about for so long. Known as Dino Don in children's Highlights Magazine, Lessem is particularly talented at conveying the wonder and excitement of dinosaur science to children.

The Rollickin' Dinosaur Review
Time: 12:30 & 2:30 p.m. | Place: Haddonfield Memorial High School, Kings Highway
Mike Weilbacher, Performing Educator
Mike Weilbacher will perform two dinosaur-themed educational musicals called the Rollicking Dinosaur Review at 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. Doors open one-half hour before show. Children 10 and under to be accompanied by adult. WHITE buttons admit to 1st show and YELLOW buttons admit to 2nd show. Weilbacher's programs of "Science Theater" evolved out of his role as "Mike the Science Guy" on WHYY 91 FM's "Kid's Corner."
Time: 10 a.m. on, all day | Place: Markeim Art Center, Lincoln Ave. and Walnut Street
Dinosaur Art by the Children of Haddonfield
Collected by Rosie Hymerling of the Haddonfield School faculty, assisted by the local PTA's "Art Goes to School Committee," this showing features dinosaur art in many media and highlights the visions of our youngest enthusiasts. Also, on Saturday, children will have the opportunity to make and keep their own dinosaur masks.

Time: 11 a.m. & 1 p.m. | Place: Grace Episcopal Church, 19 Kings Highway, 2nd floor auditorium
The Academy of Natural Sciences presents this "Jeopardy"-type show designed for children between the ages of 8 and 12. Academy educational director Anthony Paino will be the host. Children will be chosen to answer questions about this favorite subject, with unusual Academy of Natural Sciences prizes for the winners.
This series of talks and slide shows is aimed at older youngsters and adults with an interest in dinosaurs in general and Haddonfield's Hadrosaurus in particular. The half-hour presentations include time for questions and answers. Admission free and contributions to the HATCH sculpture project will be accepted.
Time: 11:00 a.m. | Place: Baptist Church, Kings Highway
Hoag Levins, Journalist & Web Producer
Hoag Levins, author and builder of the Web sites NewJerseyDinosaur.com, Hadrosaurus.com and HistoricCamdenCounty.com will present a slide show about the historic importance of Haddonfield's Hadrosaurus foulkii discovery followed by a Q&A period.
Time: 12:00 | Place: "Baptist Church, Kings Highway
Patti Kane-Vanni, Paleo Educator/Illustrator/Field Paleontologist
Patti Kane-Vanni, an attorney and paleo artist, illustrator and speaker, has been involved in dinosaur digs around the world -- last October she was part of an A&E TV documentary on an Egyptian dinosaur expedition. She will present the slide show and talk, " Fossil Digging Adventures in Egypt and Montana," followed by an interactive dino fossil demonstration and a Q&A period.
Time: 1 p.m. | Place: Baptist Church, Kings Highway
Michael O'Neill, Senior Paleontologist, U.S. BLM
Michael O'Neill, senior paleontologist at the U.S. Bureau of Land Management in Washington will speak on "Haddonfield's Dinosaur and Your Public Lands." The Bureau, which oversees vast deposits of fossils across the county's public lands, has long been heavily involved with managing dinosaur sites. A Q&A period will follow.
Time: 2 p.m. | Place: Baptist Church, Kings Highway
Dr. William Gallagher, Paleontologist and Author
Dr. William Gallagher is the registrar of natural history at the New Jersey State Museum in Trenton and the author of the book, When Dinosaurs Roamed New Jersey, and a renowned authority on east-coast dinosaurs in general and Haddonfield's Hadrosaurus in particular. Half-hour talk and slide show followed by a Q&A and book-signing period.
Time: 3 p.m. | Place: Baptist Church, Kings Highway
Kathy Tassini, Historian
Kathy Tassini, librarian of the Haddonfield Historical Society will talk about the "Bone Wars" that were sparked by the discovery of Hadrosaurus foulkii. Those "wars" between Edward Cope and O.C. Marsh were all the more important to Haddonfield because Cope lived here in a house located where city hall now sits. Talk followed by a Q&A period.
ALONG KINGS HIGHWAY, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The center of the downtown business district will host an ongoing series of additional dinosaur-related happenings and events, including:

Time: 10 a.m. on, all day | Place: Equity Bank, Kings Highway & Chestnut Street
See a Real Hadrosaurus Bone
From the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences comes one of the real bones of Hadrosaurus foulkii. On hand to display and discuss the landmark fossil will be Ned Gilmore, the Academy's vertebrate zoology collections manager. Gilmore is the official "keeper" of the bones at the Academy where they have remained since their discovery in Haddonfield in 1858.
Time: 10 a.m. on, all day | Place: Kings Court
Dino Dig
Find out what it is like to dig for fossils in an event and demonstration sponsored by SRCCRC/EIRC but presented by the Garden State Discovery Museum. Children get to excavate their own 'fossil' bones.
Time: 10:30 - 11:00 a.m., 11:30 - 12:00 & 2:00 - 2:30 p.m. | Place: Grace Episcopal Church, 19 Kings Highway East
Dinomite Games
Dennis Groomes will be the host of variety of dinosaur-themed games for children. These high-energy dinomite games involve everything from beanbags to parachutes. Sunny weather: On the lawn of the Rectory. Inclement weather: In the Parish House, 1st floor.
Time: 10 a.m. on, all day | Place: Baptist Church, Kings Highway
Decorating Dino Egg Cookies
Engaging in a somewhat prehistoric version of the traditional Girl Scout cookie concept, the Senior Girl Scouts of Haddonfield will celebrate dinosaurs with cookie art. Sunny : Between the Baptist Church and Mini-Mall. Inclement weather: In the Social Hall of the Baptist Church.
Dino Store
A dinosaur store, whose proceeds will help fund the Haddonfield Hadrosaurus sculpture project, will be set up in front of the Haddonfield Mini Mall, at the Visitors Center in that Mall and at the High School. Available products include one of a kind Dino tee shirts designed by Don Jackson, dino mugs, dino pins (pewter, silver, gold), Dino baseball caps, etc. etc. In addition, autographed books by Don Lessem and Dr. William Gallagher will be available at their venues.
Dinosaur Coin Banks

Dinosaur piggy banks are available at Equity Bank for children to fill with silver coins destined for HATCH. When the banks are returned to Equity, Equity Bank will permit the children to fill them a second time. When the banks are returned a second time, Equity Bank will open up a savings account for that child and contribute $10 to the account. To learn how to get one, click here or click the dinosaur bank image.
Time: 4 p.m. | Place: Lantern Lane
Mayor Tish Colombi Announces Winner
The Mayor will announce the winner(s) of the "Name Our Dinosaur Contest." The competition to choose a nickname for the local dinosaur was held throughout the Haddonfield schools and was open to children ages 4 to 14.
Time: 7:00 - 10:30 | Place: Grace Church, 19 East Kings Highway
Day-After Dinosaur Dance, April 6
Dance Haddonfield, a part of the U.S. Amateur Ballroom Dancers Association, is sponsoring a "Hadro Hop" dance at Grace Church on Kings Highway the evening after Dino Day. Created by Dance Haddonfield instructors Steve and Betty Culver, the new Hadro Hop will be a variation on swing dancing. The event, which donates it proceeds to the HATCH Hadrosaurus sculpture project, starts at 7 p.m. and offers dance lessons during the first hour. Admission is $10. The proceeds of the next regular Dance Haddonfield event -- on April 13 -- will also be donated to the HATCH funding raising effort. For further details, call Joe Murphy 856-429-5355.